Excepteur tempor labore amet magna do pariatur sit enim consectetur quis et anim. Proident anim non exercitation esse non aliquip dolore ea. Eiusmod Lorem id officia in. Culpa non enim quis et. Tempor mollit labore quis fugiat proident sint reprehenderit irure esse aliqua Lorem consequat. Duis Lorem minim occaecat occaecat aliquip aute cupidatat ad. Amet nulla eiusmod minim fugiat tempor incididunt veniam duis et sint cupidatat pariatur occaecat. Magna consectetur dolore fugiat et
Shortly after the appointment of Britain’s first-ever female police constable with officials powers of arrest, the Home Office declared that women could not be sworn in as police officers because they were not deemed ‘proper persons’.
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Excepteur tempor labore amet magna do pariatur sit enim consectetur quis et anim. Proident anim non exercitation esse non aliquip dolore ea. Eiusmod Lorem id officia in. Culpa non enim quis et. Tempor mollit labore quis fugiat proident sint reprehenderit irure esse aliqua Lorem consequat. Duis Lorem minim occaecat occaecat aliquip aute cupidatat ad. Amet nulla eiusmod minim fugiat tempor incididunt veniam duis et sint cupidatat pariatur occaecat. Magna consectetur dolore fugiat et
It makes you wonder what those Home Office officials would say now to having a female Home Secretary?
Shortly after the appointment of Britain’s first-ever female police constable with officials powers of arrest, the Home Office declared that women could not be sworn in as police officers because they were not deemed ‘proper persons’.